I am still recovering from Saturday’s BlogCamp12 event at AITI-KACE. So many people! So many interesting people! So much fun!
As the founder of BloggingGhana, I knew about the scale of the event, but as I have not been directly involved in the preparations I had somehow not expected the massive interest for blogging in Ghana! I was scheduled to be the opening speaker, first thing in the morning, with a short welcoming speech. For a Saturday morning with a Ghanaian crowd, I hadn’t really expected people to be present… but when entering the room, it was almost full!
Kafui writes a very detailed account including his highlights, but I like how he – just like me – was overwhelmed!
Almost 400 participants ‘invaded’ the venue — the burning passion and quest for knowledge was simply overwhelming.
I had awakenings, epiphanies and inspirations throughout the event.
Ofoli-Kwei got the push he needed to start up his own blog,
I’ve spent many a night brooding over the idea of having my own blog but the like we say in Ghana the ”vim” has never been enough.
But then I attended Blogging Ghana’s #blogcamp12 and the vim level shot up like crazy!
Nina enjoyed the break-out session on Women in Social Media,
At first we weren’t sure how many of us would be there, so we rearranged chairs into a small circle, which we enlarged a couple of times as more joined. Although sometimes shyly, and often very quietly, participants started expressing their fears and concerns about women blogging and what they should/could talk about.
In house poet AntiRhythm summarized the event like this:
Imagine my sweet surprise on seeing so many still-growing minds with yards of yen for social medial relevance at BlogCamp 2012; relevance as content creators and catchers too. Ghana’s rising the right way – led by the youth.
For more reactions, see the Twitter hashtag #BlogCamp12. Pics to come.
Now BloggingGhana has to quickly recoup and think about how we can harness this enormous interest for social media in Ghana! Thanks to all who came and made this day a loud-sounding voice of a new generation!