Photos and Tweets from BloggingGhana’s March Meet-Up

On Sunday we had a three-legged meeting – Writing workshop, discussion on future collaborations and finally, info about our yearly event, BlogCamp, coming up this month on the 23rd!

Some stats:

  • 44 of us met at MEST Ghana
  • 3 types of finger food was provided by Tigo
  • 400 participants have already registered for the BlogCamp13 event
  • 7 hugs I got from BloGh members


“@gwumah: #BloGH March 2013 meeting; lots of great discussion:” >> Love the panorama pic! @BloggingGhana

@gwumah#BloGH March 2013 meeting; lots of great discussion:” >> Love the panoBloggingGhanaoggingGhana
“@MutomboDaPoet: RT @silverscholar: @kajsaha speaking @BloggingGhana March Meet Up #BloGH *that lady is nice” Thanks!

@MutomboDaPoet: RT @silverscholar@kajsaha speaking @BloggingGhanaMarch Meet Up #BloGH *that lady is nice” Thanks!
More than 400 confirmed participants for #BlogCamp13 on 23rd March, says @ttaaggooee @BloggingGhana.  #Blogh

More than 400 confirmed participants for #BlogCamp13 on 23rd March, says @ttaaggooee
I see familiar faces. Miss these people! RT @Kwabena: We have a full house at the @BloggingGhana meeting. #BloGh

I see familiar faces. Miss these people! RT @Kwabena: We have a full house at the @BloggingGhana meeting.
@dje_djelyn @chrisdof during group discussion time at @BloggingGhana March Meet Up. #BloGH

@dje_djelyn @chrisdof during group discussion time at @BloggingGhana March Meet Up. #BloGH
Should we discuss things that never seem to change? Hot debate on the @LightOffGhana1 issue @BloggingGhana meet-up.

Should we discuss things that never seem to change? Hot debate on the @LightOffGhana1 issue @BloggingGhana meet-up.
Personally, I'm happy we finally have a fashion blogger in our midst! @fashionmaniagh

Personally, I’m happy we finally have a fashion blogger in our midst! @FashionmaniaGh
44 people in the room, not enough chairs! Thanks all for attending this month's @BloggingGhana meet-up! #Blogh

44 people in the room, not enough chairs! Thanks all for attending this month’s @BloggingGhana meet-up!
This month's @BloggingGhana Meet-up is over but discussions continue... #Blogh

This month’s @BloggingGhana Meet-up is over but discussions continue… #Blogh
Chris also wrote a blogpost about the event:
Learn more about BlogCamp13 here:
“@gwumah: #BloGH March 2013 meeting; lots of great discussion:” >> Love the panorama pic! @BloggingGhana
I see familiar faces. Miss these people! RT @Kwabena: We have a full house at the @BloggingGhana meeting. #BloGh
Should we discuss things that never seem to change? Hot debate on the @LightOffGhana1 issue @BloggingGhana meet-up.
Personally, I’m happy we finally have a fashion blogger in our midst! @fashionmaniagh
44 people in the room, not enough chairs! Thanks all for attending this month’s @BloggingGhana meet-up! #Blogh
Chris also wrote a blogpost about the event:
Learn more about BlogCamp13 here:
Sharing is caring!

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