Yesterday, I went to see fellow blogger Nina, just 5 minutes drive away from my parents’ house.
I read her blog every week as she writes on a couple of topics I am interested in like Gotland (the beautiful island I am from), feminism, photography, home decor and parenting (well, I can learn even though I am not there yet, can’t I?). Her blog is very professional AND personal, which is a difficult combo.
As I read her blog often, I felt I already knew her!
It was a strange and wonderful feeling as I walked through her beautiful home, played pek-a-boo with her son and had a lovely discussion about everything from relationships to racism, cupcakes to career, loving to living…
It is wonderful what connections blogging can bring! Hope to see you next summer too, Nina!
See Nina’s post (in Swedish) on our meet-up here. (or pic above).