- By an interesting coincidence Blog Action Day 2015 with the theme #RaiseYourVoice to campaign for silenced bloggers also saw Ethiopian Zone9Bloggers (link to my blogpost on them)freed. I read Reporter’s Without Boarder’s article.
- Google’s Broken Promise: The End of “Don’t Be Evil” Google becomes a part of Alphabet and some principles are lost!
- Ghana saw a celebrity/royal marriage and while all eyes was on TV-presenter wife, blogger Naa Oyoo took a grip on the King who married Gifty Anti.
- The Hunter Still Tells the Story of the Lion, suggested ShafiCosman and concluded the playing field is more levelled than ever with lions who possess
Internet powers… - Migration researcher De Haas (supported by efficient visual by Carling) on the problem with European migration policy: Don’t blame the smugglers: the real migration industry.
Inspired by personal role models, Ory Okolloh Mwangi and Chris Blattman (happy 8 years of blogging!), I want to share articles I read with my followers on a somehow regular basis. I hope to make Sunday Reads a weekly feature to be shared here and on Twitter!