Sunday Reads Oct 25


  1. I liked this suggestion in the sometimes very polarised debate on the affordability and openness of  academic publications: Use your author’s rights to make articles freely available by Jorgen Carling.
  2. Issues that have been overlooked in West African politics: Buhari needs to find new funding methods to improve Nigeria’s health care by  for the Conversation, an interesting platform for popularising research.
  3. Seven parallels between Ivory Coast and Tanzania by Africa Research Institute – both went to the polls today. All seven points are also relevant to Ghana.
  4. ‘Energy Africa’ Launch, speech by Kofi Annan. This important issue that will make or break the region, great infographic in there as well!
  5. On Atheism and Superiority, by Ijeoma Oluo. I really liked this piece on the humility that is needed to not render atheism a faith on its own!

Inspired by personal role models, Ory Okolloh Mwangi and Chris Blattman, I want to share articles I read with my followers on a somehow regular basis. I hope to make Sunday Reads a weekly feature to be shared here and on Twitter!

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