- I liked this suggestion in the sometimes very polarised debate on the affordability and openness of academic publications: Use your author’s rights to make articles freely available by Jorgen Carling.
- Issues that have been overlooked in West African politics: Buhari needs to find new funding methods to improve Nigeria’s health care by
- Seven parallels between Ivory Coast and Tanzania by Africa Research Institute – both went to the polls today. All seven points are also relevant to Ghana.
- ‘Energy Africa’ Launch, speech by Kofi Annan. This important issue that will make or break the region, great infographic in there as well!
- On Atheism and Superiority, by Ijeoma Oluo. I really liked this piece on the humility that is needed to not render atheism a faith on its own!
Inspired by personal role models, Ory Okolloh Mwangi and Chris Blattman, I want to share articles I read with my followers on a somehow regular basis. I hope to make Sunday Reads a weekly feature to be shared here and on Twitter!