Tomorrow Saturday, an independent TED event for young people is taking place at the AITI-KACE. As a lover of TED videos (see two of my favorites to the right here on my blog), I am looking forward to it!
The ambitious theme and goal of the one day event is:
TEDxYouthInspire will use the theme “A Good Head & A Good Heart“, taken from a quote by former South African President Nelson Mandela, to exhibit how extraordinary youth leaders combine radical thought and integrity of spirit to set in motion unlimited possibilities for a brighter future.
I am proud to say several Ghanablogging bloggers are taking part in the organization of this event, for instance MacJordan, Gameli and Edward.
As I am above 25 years of age, I had to ask special permission to come…Still, I hope to see you there!
As much as I would love to go, I think at the ripe old age of 30+ they’ll throw me right out! Enjoy!
Haha, I saw some 30+ faces at the place, but in stark minority!
TedX in Accra was fun!
I can’t wait to see the Pix!