I have been thinking for a while on how to attack the issue of the recent protests in Arab countries on my blog.
There are so many aspects that could be covered:
- Could the Jasmine revolution spread to Sub-Saharan Africa? African bloggers’ opinions
- Which country is up next for political change through public protests? Saudi Arabia?
- The Gaddafi-West relationship two weeks ago and today…Read Antony Lowensteins critical blog post
- Egypt is free! Beautiful pictures from The Big Picture
- Gaddafi’s son Saif al-Islam’s PhD thesis at London School of Economics on the role of the civil society in democratization of Global governance institutions…as if that wasn’t ironic enough now it is being scrutinized for plagiarism
- Trapped Ghanaians in Tripoli and Kairo (55 Ghanaians in Libya have been evacuated so far)
- A fourth wave of democratization?
However all these topics have been discussed already, so I will instead write a few lines about how the current affairs section of my Social Theory class at Ashesi University College this semester – exactly because of the turbulent times – has become the most exciting time of the week.
Each week four students prepare a brief presentation of the events over the last week, for Ghana, West-Africa, Africa or the World. Neatly dressed as TV-presenters, sometimes even opening with “Welcome to the 9 o’clock news, my name is ….”, they talk us through the recent news and we try to fit the events with the sometimes ancient thoughts presented in the course.
The developments are unexpected and mind-blowing and as demonstrated above, there are so many interesting aspects (even apart from the often quoted social media angle) of these protests.
These are indeed very interesting days to follow the news, but each week something that is discussed in my class is not present in mainstream media – the situation in our neighboring country.
Have we all but forgotten about the serious political standstill in Ivory Coast?
Photos: Ashesi students presenting the political news of the week.