>Finally, courtesy of pro-photographer Nyani Quarmyne there is photographic evidence of that
This is for you my loyal readers! 🙂
>Finally, courtesy of pro-photographer Nyani Quarmyne there is photographic evidence of that
This is for you my loyal readers! 🙂
Before we headed to the Haiti Benefit Concert I mentioned here, we had dinner with some friends. One of them had heard the rumour that Kojo Antwi wouldn’t come to the benefit(sadly his personal website is very heavy to load, so maybe his MySpace is a better option for you who with less fast Internet).
I was disappointed. Antwi’s songs were some of the first Ghanaian pieces of music I heard when I started dating my husband back in 2002. The romantic, lovers rock style tunes in Twi/English/Ga always spoke to me – also others think he Tops the List of Ghanaian Love Songs – although some of his melodies might be just too synthesizer-sweet. Anyways.
When we arrived at the concert, there was no place to sit. “Everybody” was there to support Haiti earthquake victims. We were standing with a bunch of others on the side of the stage, dancing and enjoying from there. After an hour or so, some space opened up on the first row.
When Kojo Antwi did in fact come out on stage I felt a big smile spread across my face. As he started singing a song in Ga “Baa sumo me” (Come love me), I stood up to dance, two ladies joined him on the stage dancing, I was smiling. THEN. Mr Music Man walks over to the side where I am standing, points at me and gestures me to come on stage.
To be continued.
Pic from Creative-Africa.org