10 Years Later, Five Years Wiser

On the eve of an October night back in 2002, I met a young man in a student pub. We locked eyes, danced and changed phone numbers. 10 years later, he is my best friend, the father of my child and the one person on earth who annoys me the most!

Anyways, you are now thinking, why is Kajsa HA wasting my time with this today? Well, today is the day we have been married for five years. We were married in Ghana in 2008, watched the Perfect Picture in 2009, went to a Kojo Antwi concert in 2010, had our daughter in 2011 (with no connection to the aforementioned concert!) and spent most of 2012 worrying about accomodation.  It has not always been easy (see “annoys” above), but for better and worse, we are a team.

Kweku, I want to thank you for challenging and inspiring me to be a nicer and wiser person. 

Kajsa and Kweku at 10


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  1. Congrats on your anniversary Kajsa. Here’s to the next 10 years and beyond!