Yesterday as I was getting my hair cut, my hairdresser told me and others keen to listen about her new healthy lifestyle. I was quite inspired so thought I should share.
- Heavy breakfast
- Salads
- Coconut Oil (apparently the most healthy fat! If you eat a table spoon or two a day there are many health benefits…maybe another blogpost!)
- No canned foods
- Smoked fish
- Beans
- Brown rice instead of white
- No sodas/minerals/sweet drinks
- Exercise you enjoy
Her advise was to not make any extreme changes, but instead make “life changes” you can live with.
My own experience is that when one takes the time to make a salad with every meal – or make your meal a salad! – eating becomes more enjoyable. The textures and colours of a salad on your plate (fresh herbs/sunwarm, tasty tomatoes/mango/crispy lettuce/green papaya/green beans/olives…) adds something that I love. In Ghana you can get it the whole year around! And for not drinking sodas, yeah we all know that is better.
To help this lifestyle, there are markets selling organic foods popping up like the Goethe flea market “Open Air stock exchange”(first Saturday of every month) and Accra Green market [and on FB] (every last Saturday of the month, for now in East Legon ).
Photos from Accra Green Market.