One of These Days…

IMG_6039On the radio in the morning we could hear about corruption and neglect (“Where the paperwork for the sale of the USD 19,2 million vessel is, nobody seems to know”). When my ears started to get red from anger, the traffic suddenly came to a halt and the stretch of the road that normally isa 5-minute-flow became a 30-minute-obstruction. My 1,5 hour commute had now ballooned to 2hours.


When I came to work, Internet was down. I had planned to do some other things, but not being able to check my email to check on a morning meeting stressed me to the point, I had to walk around to other offices to see if the problem was a general one. By noon, Internet was back, but now printing was an issue.


The last three weeks, I have only been able to print twice. In a job,where reading, analysis and planning involving many people is daily tasks, this is starting to get very annoying.


By 4 PM, I had still not been able to print. I decided to head home early – only to get stuck in traffic.


It was just one of those days.


This post is part of Blu’s LiveBlu Forum, a social commentary on work-life balance in Ghana. Join the discussion at: #LiveBlu #BeLieveUme or sign up here to try turbo-charged internet powered by Blu.


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  1. One of these days…? Hehe, I smelled this blog post from a distance. I share your sentiments. Thankfully, I don’t have a problem with printing — but the Internet. A 13MB document can take an hour to be downloaded!
    Frustrations abound, but you love your job. Do hang in there.