>Why Is Africa Begging?

> Last night, I went to the Goethe Institute in Accra to see their current exhibit open. I go to a lot of these events, being a lover of the arts, but this one was special becuase the artists were school children – well, rather youths – and hence represent the future of Ghanaian art.

There were giraffes, portraits, market scenes and animal sculptures – most notably a beautiful plaster owl made by a young man not much bigger then the owl itself.

But there was also a piece that grabbed my attention because of its clear message. Allison Elisabeth and Pele Vuncujovi had together created the African continent in papier mach̩ Рrichly decorated in red, green and gold. In the middle of the continent a pair of black hands mysteriously stretch out, as if they were asking for something. As you stand back to look at the installation, you see a question mark circling the hands.

In the picture the artists by their work.

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  1. >This comment may be a bit (well, okay rather late), but I only just stumbled onto this blog today and was looking around. I went to GIS all my life and I disagree with Esi – just because one attends a private international school it does not mean that one is blind and unaware of the issues around him. You interpret their art as they live a rich life so they don't understand why everyone else's life should be like theirs. I interpret it as they see all of Africa's rich resources and they are sending a message out to the leaders that there is no need to borrow money or accept more aid from the developed world – Africa's resources are rich and right in front of them.

    It is Western mentality that every African should be poor and begging for white people to come and help them.

  2. >Thanks anon for engaging in the debate, it is not late at all – this discussion is still very necessary.

    Regardless of the students' motivations behind this piece of art, do we want Africa to be synonymous with begging?

    I think all of us who have engaged in this debate would like to say no.