>Where has all the money gone?

> Today all over the news we can read about the Canadian computer professor who got sacked from a Ghanaian university – or not had his contract prolonged as the university claims – because of critisizing the university administration on his and his partner’s blog. In the blog, the partner of the professor if I get it right, wrote about the upsetting fact that on campus libraries are poorly updated and water is scarce, but the most expensive SUV’s are used by the university staff.

She finishes her post by writing

Forgive me for feeling offended by the luxury cars bought with public dollars. The Ghanaians I’ve spoken to aren’t nearly as offended — most don’t like it but say “that’s the way it is”. Any attempt to speak out against wanton spending will earn one the wrath of the rich and powerful.

…and the next day the professor’s contract was not prolonged. However, Ghanaians hearing the news do not hold their peace in the comments field of Joy FM. Many salut the Canadians for speaking out and many agree with the critique

…these are the main reasons why we are not progressing. Authorities in every Institution in Ghana uses all the monies to purchase expensive cars…

This debate is crucial for Ghana and I hope it will live on in public fora. We must not let those with 4-wheel-drive interests succeed with putting the lid on.

In the pic some totally unrelated SUVs in a parking lot in Accra.

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