>Goat News

> Today, I have a bunch of fun errands to run in Accra. I have to look at some cars (will be buying one soon!) with a mechanic friend, do some journalistic digging (for an article I will link to here if it gets published), have fika with some Swedish friends I have reconnected with through SVIV and then finish off with dinner and “Varieté” at Alliance Francaise (8PM, probably a few cedis entrance fee). Maya informed me there is now a page that vows to collect all events in Ghana. The initiative which Ghana’s Ministry for Communication and UNDP stands behind is called Aponkye – goat! I thought that was hilarious!

This type of webpage is exactly what I was talking about. However, after a quick browse I wonder – why are many events taking place in the US?

In the pic the abovementioned goat.

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