The Swedes and the Internet 2023 – Privacy, Generational Gaps and Podcasts

Our lives these days are extensively lived online, this is where we work, socialize, learn about the world, “or bake a cake” as Internetstiftelsen (The Swedish Internet Foundation) said in the opening of their yearly, much-awaited, report launch of “The Swedes and the Internet 2023”. I wasn’t alone, 6000 others attended the launch this morning, but if you were not one of them, here are some of my fresh takeaways:

1?? Almost all Swedes are online every day (91%) and use digital identification (93%) (which is basically monopolized, not very safe!)

2?? Swedes are very positive toward police access to private conversations, and cameras with face recognition in public spaces (possibly due to increased violence) but against employers checking social media. There seems to be a “not in my backyard”-Internet thing going on here…

3?? Different generations use different social media platforms. Favorites in the older generations are YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram (a big share of youth do not use Facebook and Instagram at all) while Snapchat, Tiktok and Roblox are important platforms for “born in the 2000s”. Based on this, are you “old” or “young”?

4?? 3/10 Swedes have used an AI tool like Chat GPT, DallE, Midjourney, Grammarly. If you break it down by age, there is a definite gap as 6/10 in the age group 18-34 years have used an AI tool.

5?? Podcast listening in Sweden is still on the increase and public service has transitioned well there!


Much more to discover in the rich report. Read a summary in English or the full report in Swedish (PDF).

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