>Involuntary Absense

So some of you might think I decided to check out completely just because I turned 29 on Sunday.

But that is not the case. I mean, Yes, I was a bit shocked (“29, already? Wow, that means I am soon to be 30, iiiiaaaah”). Yes, I went to the beach to unwind. Yes, I had a glass of good, red wine (or two).

But my absence here has nothing to do with that and all to do with an Internet Service Provider that has painted the town red.


Update: And I’m not the only one noticing, see Nyani‘s very similar post here!

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  1. >Well, welcome back. And now I think of it, I realise all the Kojo Antwi fun was a personal, private pre-birthday treat to yourself.

  2. >Between our new red 'provider' and the yellow "everywhere you go" network, I'm not sure which one is causing me more grief (and disrupting all attempts at doing business) at the moment. So I know exactly what you're talking about!

  3. >wow, thats almost uncanny – see my update above!

    And thanks for you bday greeting!