Salad with my Favorite Vinaigrette

This post is a collaboration with Eden Tree.


I love a good salad, especially on a hot day at home, and feel a vinaigrette takes it to the next level. My Favorite Vinaigrette is more like a life hack than a recipe (no measurements, just guidelines!) that I hope will bring you joy! I make my vinaigrette in big batches and keep in a bottle in the fridge.


Favorite Vinaigrette
  • A generous splash of a good vinegar ( I like Apple Cider Vinegar right now, but anything goes)
  • Two generous splashes of oil, preferably Extra Virgin olive oil
  • Something sweet (Just a little Ghanaian honey is fab)
  • One or two cloves of garlic
  • A dollop of French mustard
  • Dried herbs like Thyme, Oregano, Tarragon, or a mix like Herbes the Provence
  • Black Pepper and Salt to taste

Combine all the wet ingredients in a bottle with a reliable cap. I like to put the cloves in the bottle whole, but for them to release their garlicky taste better, you can bruise, break, or if in a hurry to gobble up the vinaigrette, press them. Add the dry spices and the mustard and shake. In my experience, it runs out before it goes bad (but can probably sit safely for a few weeks in the fridge).


  • A bag of Eden Tree Lettuce
  • Half a bag of Eden Tree Basil
  • Half a bag of Eden Tree Parsley
  • Diced Eden Tree Tomatoes
  • Slanted Eden Tree Cucumber or unripe pawpaw
  • Possibly: Smoked fish, olives, lightly boiled green beans, boiled eggs, a good bread etc.

Separate and rinse lettuce leaves and the herbs. It is not strictly needed as Eden Tree vegetables are ready to eat off the shelf, but I always wash veg for freshness. Cut the dried leaves (wet leaves repel vinaigrette, dry leaves soak them up!) and combine with the other cut ingredients. With green beans, eggs, and smoked fish it turns into a Salad Nicoise, with olives and feta cheese it is a Greek Salad, with a bread and some olives it is a good lunch!

Drizzle the Favorite Vinaigratte over your delicious and healthy salad at the table. Soak up any remains with a good bread!


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